



内容は社内と社外講師による業界動向、Trados Studio 2021の

0. オンラインロードショー概要
1. 翻訳業界動向2020
2. Trados Studio 2021 – クラウドの登場!
3. CATツール・Trados Studio
4. Trados Live Team
5. コロナ禍に屈せず。今、一個人翻訳者ができること 宮原健
6. Trados 困ったときのヒント

2.Trados Live Virtual Conference(2020年11月6日ー8日)

上記ロードショーに先立ってSDL plc. 主催のオンラインコンファレンスが








0. The Language Industry in 2020 and Beyond (Florian Faes)

1. SDL Technology Solutions (David Morgan)
– Helping you meet your translation challenges

2. Discover Trados Live (Nicole Loney)
– The new translation productivity cloud solution from SDL

3. Transcreation, yes in a CAT (Paul Filkin)

4. Tips and Tricks (Loredana Gabur and Customer Experience Team)

01:11- Work flow of creating a project using SDL Trados Studio 2021
04:23- How to create a project in Trados Studio 2021
10:40- How to speed up your single file translation via preferred settings
16:18- How to speed up your work when needed to do changes in source
19:19- Font adaptation in SDL Trados Studio 2021
20:40 Fast segment filtering for fast editor work
25:58 Time savers using powerful apps

5. Technical Q&A (Paul Filkin, Fleur Schut)

6. Introducing Trados Studio 2021 (Loredana Gabur)

7. Tools and ideas to survive in the localization jungle (Remmy Blattler)

8. SDL Slate (Franziska Hardmeier)

9. Tips and Tricks Basic (Loredana Gabur and Customer Experience Team)

01:40- How to find workarounds for my error?
04;23- Short demo on how to find workarounds for different errors
08:00- How to prevent installation issues prior to installing Trados Studio
10:00- How to properly uninstall Studio
11:40- How to activate Trados Studio?
13:00- My computer crashed? Now What!
13:40- How can I reset my license?
14:25- I got a new computer! What happens to my license?
15:00- Something went wrong. What should I do?
15:40- SDL community
17:38- How to check if Studio is up to date?
19:35- How to recreate a project when errors do not allow me to continue
21:50- Demo : How to import an SDL sdlxliff from a previous project
24:10 How to reset Trados Studio installation to its original settings

10. Understanding terminology – the basics (Tom Imhof)

11. Understanding terminology – the solutions (Tom imhof)

12. The importance of Managing Terminology in a Global Organization
(Klaus Fleischmann)

13. Sharing work with other CAT Tools (Paul Filkin)

14. Faster and Customizable Reporting in Trados (Paul Filkin)

15. Trados Studio Subtitling (Steven Whale)

16. Coming to Terms with Intelligent Content (Donald A. DePalma)

17. …the devil in the details 1 (Paul Filkin)
– Creating Studio Projects
– Text based files
– Data Protection

18. …the devil in the details 2 (Jerzy Czopik)
– Transit via memoQ
– Display Filter
– Search and Replace
– Merging Segments

Florian Faes, Manageing Director, Slator
Remmy Blattler, CTO, Supertext
Franziska Hardmeier, Director, Slate
Tom Imhof,
Klaus Fleischmann, Kaleidoscope GmbH
Donald A. DePalma, CSA Research
Jerzy Czopik, VP, BDU and Approved SDL Trados trainer

David Morgan, Marketing Director Translation Productivity, SDL
Nicole Loney, Marketing Executive, SDL
Paul Filkin, Client Services Director, SDL
Loredana Gabur, Customer Experience Team, SDL
Fleur Schut, Business Consultant, SDL
Steven Whale, Customer Success Operations Manager, SDL


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IT機器メーカーの会社員です(営業・マーケティング職)。 退職したあとプロの特許翻訳者としてデビューするために勉強をはじめました。  2020年10月よりレバレッジ特許翻訳講座を受講しています(第10期生)。 理科の基礎知識から積み上げて、最終的には信頼される翻訳者になることが目標です。